Key Traits
of a Team Member
In order to faithfully steward our gifting and responsibilities on this team, the following are characteristics that support the Paradox Culture of Worship and help us proclaim and display the glory and grace of Jesus, that all may sing! We will use these Key Traits to identify and cultivate a healthy, faithful, and impactful Team who treasure Jesus and are passionate about leading others to worship Him.
Attentive and responsive to the Spirit. Our eyes and hearts are open when we lead, looking and listening for what God is doing. We are present with Him and one another, confident and flexible in our plans and abilities to be interruptible and keep in step with the Holy Spirit as He moves. We take action when God gives us words of encouragement and exhortation for the church and create new songs, parts, and arrangements inspired and led by the Spirit.
Compelled by the Word and work of God to worship Christ and lead others to worship Him. Our songs, prayers, encouragements, and exhortations are filled with the truths of the Scriptures and we submit to the Word of God in all we do.
Joy-Filled, Authentic, & Free
Genuinely joyful to be around. There is a genuine joy of the Lord that we live out of. Even in moments where we are not “feeling” it or are going through something difficult, we are able to look to Christ, lay it before Him, and lead from a deep-rooted joy found in Him, whether from joy or for joy, those around us are built up, encouraged, and the light of Christ shines through.
True to the Word of God and conviction of the songs we lead. We engage the lyrics, tone, and dynamics of the song and lead through honest responses. If a song is talking about the victory or hope we have in Jesus, we should look, sound, and lead like people victorious in Christ. If a song is contemplative or confessional, we should look, sound, and lead like people humbled by our need for Christ and desperate for more of him. We engage songs holistically with our heart, mind, soul, and body so we can lead and create songs and parts with deep clarity and conviction.
We are unashamed and bold before the Lord in our worship, not hesitant, not cynical, but expectant and expressive, openly engaging with God and one another through song.
Hungry & Humble Teammate
Eager to grow in both character and competency. There is a willingness to be coached and developed in theology of worship and the stewardship of our gifting. We pursue holiness and excellence, not perfection and performance. We desire to be faithful and fruitful in all that God gives us.
Eager to serve wherever and whenever there is need. There is no hierarchy of value in whether we serve with Prdx Kids, Redemption Groups, College, Sunday Gatherings, or a Night of Worship, etc. We just love leading God’s people in worship! All are vital parts of our ministry in leading others in worship, that all may sing!
We lead as one, “that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We are not individuals in worship. It’s not “Jesus and me,” it’s “Jesus and us!” We engage and encourage one another on stage and throughout the week. We are familiar with what everyone else on stage is doing in a song and how it all works together. We support the Worship Leaders and Elders as they follow the Spirit. We are intuitive and intentional about what we play or sing, working to use our gift to best serve what the song or moment needs to be authentic in expression (see notes on “Authentic & Free in Expression”). We aren't divisive, we don’t gossip or argue about foolish things, we don’t envy or boast, we aren’t self-seeking, we honor one another and build each other up, and we win and lose together!
Prayerful & Prepared
Dependent on the strength God supplies. Our gifting and power comes from the Holy Spirit, not in our abilities or preparation. We lay our heart and hands before the Lord in prayer and ask God for his presence and power in all we do.
Good stewards of our time, gifting, and responsibility. We don’t just play the songs, we lead others in them. This means we know the songs, arrangements, sequence, and our parts well enough to be confident in what we are doing and free to enjoy God and each other in worship. Our team will only be as good as the least prepared team member, and we honor one another when we show up ready to lead.