Prdx Liturgy 101

May we use the Father’s Word
with the Spirit’s power
to proclaim the glory and grace of Jesus.

-Pastor Matt Shelton

Defining Liturgy

Liturgy means “the work of the people.” This means our Sunday Gatherings are a backdrop for the work of the saints, not the work of pastors, leaders, or those on stage, it is through the practices and habits of our gatherings, that we are formed more in the image of Christ and our love for God. So it is necessary for the collective body of Christ to be the primary participant in the worship of God, not an audience to the worship of God.

The congregation is an orchestra of many instruments. The leading of song, scripture, confession, lament, communion, and benediction from the stage is as a conductor from a podium; the conductor is not doing the work of the song, the orchestra is. Jesus—the Author and Finisher of our faith—writes the song as our worship leader.

Hebrews 2:12, Rom 15:8-9

The Story We Tell

The Liturgy of the Church provides a dialogue between God and His people, accomplished through practices and habits that shape the way we think and live. We act more on what we love than what we know. We don’t love God naturally, but we do love naturally. So God has designed the church to shape our hearts to love Him. This is not actually something counter-cultural, or church specific. We as humans, have been designed to be formed and shaped in this way. Everyday we are involved in rituals and disciplines of some sort that will shape our heart to desire or love some person, idea, or thing. When we gather as Christians and place biblical rituals and disciplines in our lives, we are aiming or re-aiming our desires towards God. Turning our eyes to Jesus, so the things of earth will grow strangely dim. These practices and habits—the work of the people of God when we gather—are a primer for our individual sanctification and the unification of the body of Christ to be built up in love. There is formation where there is repetition, but there is lasting transformation by the Holy Spirit when we proclaim the glory and grace of Jesus. The liturgical elements of our gatherings form us around the good news of Christ, glorifying the person and work of Jesus, by the Love of the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit. This is how we grow in our love for God, and our love for others, This is how we preach the Gospel, plant churches, and push back darkness through our worship gatherings.

Gospel Liturgy

When we gather, we are narrating the story of God and painting a picture of the Kingdom of God, which centers us on His law of the Gospel, in order to capture our imagination, awaken us to God’s story, and be sent out to display it to the world. When we gather, we are being reoriented with the Kingdom of God. 

Consider how our liturgy will preach the good news of Jesus.

Liturgy is not a series of isolated events, we are proclaiming different elements of the same gospel throughout our gathering, allowing the all to consider, engage, and respond to the good news of Jesus, that all may sing. 

When we encounter God the following happens (Isaiah 6:1-9):

  • Adoration (God is worthy of our praise)

  • Confession (We need a savior)

  • Assurance (Our Savior is Jesus)

  • Sending (Jesus Sends us on mission)

Biblical Practices for the Church

  • Public Reading of Scripture

  • Exhortation

  • Teaching

  • Prayer

  • Psalms, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs

  • Communion

  • Baptism

1 Timothy 4:13, 2 Timothy 4:2, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 5:19, Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:42, 2 Corinthians 1:11, Acts 12:5

What does our liturgy at The Paradox Church look like?


Each week we come together to seek the glory and grace of Jesus through the reading and preaching of his word, singing to God and one another, prayer, and communion together with the family of God. 

Call to Worship

God is calling us to worship him. To enjoy him, know him, love him, and obey him, as he knows us and loves us. Come all who are weary and searching, as we turn our eyes on Jesus and find grace and mercy in our time of need.

Songs of Adoration,  Confession, & Assurance

Praising God for his truth, goodness, and beauty, confessing our need for a Savior, and confessing Jesus as our Savior.

Prayers or Readings of Invocation, Confession, Assurance, and Thanksgiving

Asking God for help, confessing our need for a Savior, and our hope in Christ with thanksgiving.

Greeting of Peace

Extending the Peace of Christ to One Another

Public Reading of Scripture

Proclamation of God’s Word

Pastoral Prayer

Pastoral Prayer over God’s people


Pastoral Preaching & Teaching of God’s Word


Christians remembering the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, proclaiming his death and resurrection until he returns.

Call to Communion: Each week, Christ invites all who believe and trust in him to come to the table and take Communion. We take the bread—representing his body broken for us—and dip it in the wine—his blood shed for us and remember his finished work on the cross, proclaiming his death and resurrection until he returns.

This is a sacred ordinance given to Christians by Jesus, specifically for those who call him Lord and Savior. If you are not a Christian, we invite you to repent and believe in Jesus. Place your trust in him, believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Then come and join us in the joy of taking the Lord's Supper.

Call to Mission

Connect to the Mission: If you are a guest today, or have been visiting us for a while, scan the code on the screen to get connected and stop by our Info Table on the way out, we can't to meet you!

Call to Prayer: We all need prayer and God calls us to pray for one another, so if you are sick or struggling in any way, don't leave today without getting prayer from our prayer team in the back. We want to pray with you!

Give to the Mission: If this is your church home, I want to encourage you: We don't have to give, we get to give! We don't give TO something but we give FROM a heart that has been changed. We give because God gave to us... If you want to support our mission, we have a give box in the back or you can scan the code on the screen to help us continue to preach the gospel, push back darkness, and plant more churches here in Fort Worth.

Call to Mission (Benediction or Blessing): God has gathered us together and now he sends us out on mission, we are blessed to be a blessing. So I send you with this, if you could, hold out your hands and receive this word from the Lord...