As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

- 1 Peter 4:10

You have been uniquely gifted by the grace of Jesus for the building up of the church through the gathering of God’s people. Our prayer is that as a faithful team member of Music & Arts, the Holy Spirit would grow you in Treasuring Jesus, Enjoying God, Shepherding First, Fighting for Kingdom Moments, and Dreaming Big!

As we serve and steward Music & Arts together, we will look to Jesus as our example of a faithful servant, our rest as a faithful shepherd, and our grace as a faithful savior. It was Christ who said “the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.” At its core, serving is a public expression of our dependence on Christ. It boasts in his grace to call us, equip us, and sustain us. To serve the kingdom of God is to allow Christ to pour into you in ways that will overflow and bless others. We are blessed to be a blessing!



All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. - Psalm 86:9

The vision God has set before us is one of inevitable victory. We work in service to the unshakable kingdom of God that leads to our joy in the praise and glory of Jesus Christ our king, that all may sing! Everything we do in Music & Arts from setting up or preparing slides on Sunday morning, to mastering a guitar or vocal part, capturing kingdom moments on camera for those not in the room, praying and encouraging one another, proclaiming the word of God before the people of God, writing or designing key elements for sharing what God is doing…. it’s all in effort to make much of Jesus, that all may sing. The beauty in serving the Church is that our efforts are not in vain. The glory and grace of Jesus will fill the earth “as the waters cover the sea.” What assurance! What grace! What confidence! In its simplest form, let it be a resounding anchor for us in Music & Arts, that we exist on this team, that all may sing.



Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,  so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. - Philippians 2:9-11

In hope and promise, we want to do everything to encourage the praise of Jesus, that all may sing! This means that both in word and deed, in voice and instrument, in conviction and action, Spirit and Truth (John 4), we want to proclaim and display the glory and grace of Jesus. Christ is always the center, primary, and ultimate aim of worship. “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.”(Romans 11:36)



We are joyful worshippers, who enjoy God — this isn’t just something we do on Sundays; it’s all of life. We regularly practice the Spiritual Disciplines to commune with God, and as an example to the world.


We are brothers and sisters who outdo one another in showing honor. We encourage one another to the glory that will surely be ours in Christ, in the face of a world that seeks to tear each other down.


We are Gospel-centered servants who believe every moment is a shepherding moment. We don’t use people to get tasks done, we use tasks to get people done.


We are a community of light who push back darkness with the truth, beauty, and goodness of Jesus. We make war on anything that hinders the power and presence of God for our people.


We are children of the King who fear nothing and no man…for the glory of God and the good of our people.


Culture is the way in which we live together. It’s how we think about things, it’s how we define our posture, and it’s what motivates our engagement with God and each other. How we lead others, the culture we create will directly impact and influence how the church worships Jesus. It’s the environment in which we will grow, the garden that we have been called to cultivate.


 We keep our eyes and hearts open, looking and listening for what God is doing. We are present with him and one another, confident and flexible in our plans and abilities so that we can be interruptible and keep in step with the Holy Spirit as he moves. In our planning and preparation, we seek help, direction, insight, inspiration, wisdom, and creativity in the Spirit. In worship, we are attentive to the Spirit of God at work among us, and we respond to the Spirit’s leading to encourage, exhort, create, adapt, support, prophesy, dance, shout, clap, pray with or intercede for the church as we are led by the Spirit. We are Spirit-led in all we do, that all may sing.


Firstly, we believe that the word and work of God is sufficient for all we need for salvation, life, and godliness. And in believing this, we are moved by the word and work of God to worship Christ and lead others to worship him. Our songs, prayers, encouragements, and exhortations are both fueled and filled with the good news of Christ and his kingdom. We look for ways to highlight and respond to the word and work of Jesus. We are Gospel-Driven in all we do, that all may sing!


We are genuinely joyful people to be around. Not because we have it all together, but because God does. Because we are Spirit-led—meaning we are dependent on God—and Gospel-Driven—meaning we are freed by God—there is a genuine joy of the Lord that we can live out of at all times. Even in moments where we are not “feeling” it or are going through something difficult, we look to Christ together, lay it before him, and lead from a deep-rooted joy found in him. We lead and serve through the joy of the Lord, because we know that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).” So whether from joy or for joy, we exalt Christ together in all we do, that all may sing.

 Music & Arts

Worship | Production | Prayer | Prophetic | Scripture | Prophetic | Creative | Communications

  • Matt Shelton

    Pastor of Music & Arts

  • Stan Rhoden

    Executive Director of Music & Arts

  • Ashley Hoffman

    M&A Pastoral Assistant

  • Claire Weaver

    Worship Director

  • Forrest Walker

    Production Director

  • Belle Grubb

    Creative Media Manager

  • Ben Smoke

    Production Resident

  • Jeremiah Smith

    Worship Leader (Deacon of Worship)

  • Callie Richardson

    Worship Leader (Redemption Groups)

  • Braden Harrington

    Worship Leader

  • Kelly Armstrong

    Worship Team Coordinator

  • Bryan Upchurch

    Producer (Deacon of Production)

  • Andrew Weaver

    Producer (Deacon of Production)

  • Jesús Contreras


  • Mark Perry

    Onboarding Director & Slides Team Lead

  • Andrea Haefeli

    Camera Team Lead

  • Bailey Greenlees

    Prayer Team Lead (Deacon of Prayer)

  • Chris Holder

    Prophetic Team Lead

  • Darian Suárez

    Scripture Team Lead (Deacon of Scripture)

 Tools & Resources

These Apps are Essential for uniting our team in vision, community, and service. We will send you invitations via email but go ahead and Download the Apps, get familiar, and let us know if you have any questions at all!


Where the team talks.
(Mobile and Desktop Apps)

Slack is our primary tool for digital conversations, opportunities, and announcements. The most valuable benefit of using Slack is community. Slack has the ability to connect you with others throughout the week who are serving in the same way you are and ensure that you are on the same page with the rest of your team! Get to know your team even when you aren’t serving together in person, offer perspective, resources, or suggestions on something that will help us serve the church better, help shape the culture of your team.

*you will receive an invite via email


Where the team plans.
(Mobile and Desktop Apps)

PCO Services is where we manage our serving schedule, share plans for events and worship gatherings, and equip you with resources to serve. Take advantage of the various info and resources provided to help you steward your gifting and role on the team!

*you will receive an invite via email


Where the team learns.

We have launched a new and growing catalogue where you can find videos, blogs, podcasts, and books for diving deeper into various topics related to worship, production, prayer, scripture, theology, and faith. If you have a resource you find helpful and think we should add, let us know!