Paradox Music
Family Retreat


4306 River Oaks Drive, Kingsland, TX 78639


Access Code: 5883


Beach House One | Password: 4306RiverOaks


Thursday, October 20
4:00p - Check-In & HEB Grocery Run (Whoever/Whenever)
6:30p - Dinner (pizza to order from Patio 2900 at Boat Town if you want it!)
7:30p - Heart Check-In: How Are You Arriving?
8:00p - Chill and Settle

Friday, October 21
8a-10a - Coffee & Breakfast
10:00a - Session 1 - Scripture Meditation, Prayer, & Worship
12:00p - Lunch (Open Kitchen)
1p-5p - Chill, Play, Write, Worship, Rest, etc.
5:00p - Start Prepping for Dinner
6:30p - Family Dinner (Cook/Grill)
8:00p - Chill

Saturday, October 22
8a-10a - Coffee, Breakfast, Pack-up, Clean-Up
10:00a - Session 2 - Scripture Meditation, Prayer, & Worship
11:00a - Checkout


• Bring your own beach towels if you want to sit in the sand or swim. They will provide shower Towels but not outside towels.
• Bibles
• Anything you want that will help you rest and enjoy your time.


• Place all trash into the large trash cans outside
• Place all dirty dishes in the dishwasher and start the cycle
• Put all soiled towels in the laundry room
• Please do not make the beds, all bedding will be handled by the staff
• Turn all lights off
• Set the thermostats to 76 in the summer, and 60 in the winter
• Make sure all doors and windows are closed and locked.
• Remove all food items out of the fridge
• Please leave all water toys, outside games, etc. as you found them in their proper place
• Please make sure the grill is cleaned after use. Any grill that is not cleaned will result in $50 cleaning fee. Please do not put hot charcoal inside the trash cans. There is a designated metal bin at the property to dispose them.


Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – 801 W. Highway 71, Marble Falls, TX 78654
T: 830-201-8000 (20-25 min away)

Medical Clinic: Open Mon. – Fri. 7:30 AM – 5:00PM
Scott & White Clinic – 105 FM 2342, Kingsland, TX 78639
T: 325-388-9400

Minor Emergency Clinic –
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM- 8:00 PM
Sat and Sun 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

NexCare Urgent Care – 1701 US 281, Marble Falls, TX 78654
T: 830-798-1122